
Psychodynamic therapy coaching as (temporary) support in your life

Do you recognize that you experience low energy, have difficulty entering into deep relationships and connections with others around you and/or have little insight into who you really are or where you want to go? Then ZielZachts (i.e. SoulSoft) psycho-dynamic therapy coaching is a step on your path that will help you with this.

What is Psycho-dynamics therapy coaching?

It is a multi-disciplinary, deep-working method based on a body-mind approach focused on the human psyche (feelings and thoughts about yourself and the world around you). What we do is together recognize burdensome obstructive patterns (thoughts, beliefs, behavioural patterns and feelings) through mindful and value-free research (without immediately trying to solve them).  The process is aimed at (psychological) research and energetic perception. You heal your sufferings and/or traumas and develop a better well-being. Together we deepen your life questions so that you experience more relaxation and build up higher energy and go for what really makes you happy.

The therapy coaching brings you:

  • looking at your problem/question differently (broadening perspective)
  • soothe negative feelings & change obstructive thoughts
  • expanding your tools to tackle difficult situations differently
  • contacting your unconscious desires, dreams and motivations
  • develop courage thanks to the support of therapy coaching.

The client and therapist/coach work together to create personal healing and growth as an ‘amplifier’ to transform your old past into new feelings, helpful thoughts and other choices & behaviour in your life. This allows you to connect deeply with other people (partner, children, family, friends, colleagues and your team) around you.

Topics that can be discussed:

  • blockages/feeling stuck/stagnations

  • over/under sensitivity

  • fitness and energy deficiency

  • personal issues & trauma

  • psychosocial complaints

  • stress & vitality problems

  • mourning

Come discover what keeps you stuck.
Together we make the unconscious conscious and integrate mind, soul, body and personality.